Blog 2 | The Best Holiday Ever.


Colombia, what a beautiful place!

The last time I went was in December 2019 and stayed until almost the end of January 2020. I went with my parents and little brother to visit family and celebrate Christmas and New Year. It was the third time we traveled to this country and personally it was the best, because we went to “Parque del Café” which is a Colombian theme park located in the territory of Pueblo Tapao, specifically the municipality of Montenegro in Quindío, Colombia.

There were so many things to do once we arrived, but we started with a train tour around the whole park. A guide went with us and told us about the place and the interesting activities that awaited us. We stopped at a small station, which was decorated with beautiful flowers and colors. There was also a museum full of things from the indigenous people who lived in the area.


I got on every game I could and to be honest I’m not a fan of roller coasters but I got on every one, even the scariest one in the park! 

( P.S. I’ll never do it again)

There’s also a show where people dance and sing, but I couldn’t see it because lack of time.

I’ll have to see it next time I go!


  1. i want to go to colombiaaa, there is no option,
    I will insist to my parents to take me there ejeje

  2. all sounds really fun, think of not being able to see the show as an excuse to be able to come back kasjkkahs.


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