BLOG 4 | My dream job


When I was a child I dreamed of being an astronomer, because I thought it was so cool. I wanted to study the planets, stars and also discover new places in the universe. But then I found out I had to be good at math and my dream was over, because I’m not good at it, so I just gave up.

 Then I was interested in the health area, because my grandmother was an obstetrician and also a nurse, so I thought I could follow the same path by becoming a surgeon. I really thought it was a good idea, surgeons have a good salary and it’s a very interesting career where you can help people and contribute positively to society. 

(I think it’s not a surprise that I love Grey’s Anatomy, hahaha.)

But after I got into High school (almost at the end), I realized that I really liked creating things and the aesthetic side of everything, so after many other careers I thought of, I decided to study design. Although I still have no experience working as a designer, I think it is a job that gives me the freedom to travel and learn about other cultures more freely. And of course, it allows me to express myself with all my creativity and do what I love most… Create!


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