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BLOG 6 | Postgraduates Studies

Studying a postgraduate degree opens up a world of possibilities, especially in the workplace. However, it is not as easy as people usually put it. It takes time, patience, money and of course a lot of strength, because it can be really exhausting for a single person. In my case, if everything goes well and as planned, I would be graduating when I'm 23. Pretty young, don't you think? That is why I consider it a good idea to continue studying to expand my knowledge and be able to have a better job in the future. The truth is that I do worry about not having work experience, but I also think having a postgraduate degree looks great on a CV. So if I have the possibility to do it immediately, after finishing the university degree I am currently studying, without a doubt I’d love to study a postgraduate course and I would like to do it in an English-speaking country, because that would force me to use the language more and eventually become better at it.  If we talk about

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